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Some People Celebrate Big Achievements

You may think to open a brewski or bottle of wine in celebration of a big achievement.

But how big of an achievement does it have to be? A new job? Getting your teenager off to college? Selling your house? Getting the toothpaste lid back on?


What About Celebrating the Small Wins?

How often do you celebrate:

Getting the laundry done?

Keeping your cool when someone gets short with you?

Getting to bed on time?

Taking your dog on a walk?

Getting to day eight of a new exercise habit?

 Avoiding TV for the night?

How to Celebrate Small Wins

Most people think you have to celebrate by going out to a meal out or buying a new thingamajig.

But it can be a lot simpler than that…and it can be free!

How about patting yourself on the back? With your own hand.

You laugh, but I’m serious.

Try it. It feels great! 

Same goes for a self-hug.

What about creating a victory dance, like they have in football?

How about high fiving yourself in the mirror? Or giving yourself a slow clap?

Or knocking your thumb in your chest while loudly proclaiming “I Rock!”?

Or pumping your arm while saying Yesssss! I’m aaaamaaaazing!?

How about soaking in all-that-you-are by taking a 10-minute sunshine break?

Go ahead.

You deserve it.

Celebrate your bad*ss-self! Everyday. Don’t wait for the big stuff. Do it today.

Make yourself even happier by keeping the juices flowing. Check out my post on movement. (1)

Live Juicy, Joybird!



1 Happiness Via Movement: Get Up & Stay Up (From Easy to Turbo Boost)


Flower Girl: Pixabay

Folded Jeans: Karolina Grabowski

Victory Dance: Josh Willink

Blue Hammock: Andrea Piacquadio